2017… The Year of Investments!

Today’s the first day of the New Year! Whether you made resolutions to kick bad habits or set goals to achieve your desires, both will require investments. How much are you willing to invest? Make sure you give this question much thought. I’m making investments in me, selfishly. I’ll do more of what will make me happy which in turn will make me a better person. Some of my investments will include: 

  1. More swimming lessons (preparation for my triathlon)
  2. Attending writers conference (learning and networking)
  3. Hire a trainer for weight training (marathon training doesn’t want me to gain weight)
  4. Financial investments (building wealth)
  5. Reading 12 non romance books
  6. International travel (creating my next storyline)
  7. Learn a second language (I’m thinking Spanish)
  8. Learn a new skill (haven’t figured it out yet)
  9. Building a brand (utilize my talents)
  10. Rest… Which will mean I have to say no more often

We spend so much time investing in others and other things. We need to add ourselves to the list. Invest in yourself. You’re worth it! Make 2017 the year of investments. Step outside your comfort zone. 

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